The Mississippi Academic Assessment Program (MAAP) is designed to measure student achievement in English Language Arts (ELA), Mathematics, Science, and US History. Students are assessed in grades 3 through 8 in English Language Arts (ELA) and Mathematics, grades 5 and 8 Science, Algebra I, Biology I, English II, and US History. The results of all MAAP assessments provide information to be used for the improvement of student achievement. Students are required to participate in state assessments. All students enrolled in public schools must take statewide assessments, including students with a disability. Mississippi follows the federal participation requirement and has met or exceeded the federal guidelines set at 95 percent student participation in annual assessments.
Practice Tests: For more information, go to the MDE website
ELA and Math Practice Test
Science and U.S. History Practice Test
Purpose of State Assessments: The purpose of the Richton School District Student Assessment Program is to measure student achievement of the state-adopted content standards and inform efforts to improve teaching and learning. Results of the assessment program are utilized to identify students failing to achieve mastery of content, to provide teachers with feedback about instructional practice, and to assist schools in identifying strengths and weaknesses to establish priorities in planning educational programs. The assessment program includes customized summative criterion-references tests at the elementary, middle and high school levels. In addition, the district participates in the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) in grades 4, 8, and 12 and administers an English language proficiency test in grades K-12. A variety of resources, including formative tools, are provided to assist parents, educators, students and the public with efforts to improve educational opportunities for students to fulfill the purpose and maintain integrity of the statewide assessment program.
Dissemination of Scores: Dissemination of scores including, but not limited to, standardized test score reports and growth score reports, are important components of the mandate that systems inform the public concerning testing. State and federal law requires that each local school system annually inform the citizens residing within its area about the achievement of all enrolled students by school and system. Publishing in the newspaper is one of the best ways to disseminate the information. The use of websites for this purpose has also become helpful for both districts and constituents in recent years.
Parents Right to Know: The school district is committed to satisfying all requirements of Federal law and involving parents in planning and implementing our educational programs and services. Parents are informed of decisions, conditions, procedures, and other factors affecting their children through school and district publications and reports; personal conferences; individual student grade and progress reports; personal notes and notices; planning committees; the news media, etc. Additionally, the district will notify parents annually of the district’s policy on the collection or use of personal information collected from a student for the purpose of marketing or selling that information or otherwise providing that information to others for that purpose, including arrangements to protect student privacy that are provided by the agency in the event of such collection, disclosure or use. Request for access to public records shall be filed in writing, on forms provided, with the superintendent. The request must state with sufficient specificity the nature, location, and description of the public record sought in order to enable the appropriate official(s) of the district to obtain the records for review and/or duplication. All request to inspect or duplicate public records must be filed between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. on any working day in the superintendent’s office.
Opting-out of State Testing: The school board believes that state student assessments are a useful and valid tool in helping the school board assess the progress the school district is making in raising the level and quality of education throughout the district, and is so important that is has be codified in state law [Mississippi Code Section 37-16-1, et seq.] Mississippi law mandates that “basic Skills test shall be completed by each student” and “in the event of excused or unexcused absences, make-up tests be given” [Mississippi Code Section 37-16-3(2)]. Whereas state law requires every school district within the state to “periodically assess student performance and achievement in each school” {Mississippi Code Section 37-16-5], student assessment therefore is not an option in the district, but rather a requirement. Students may not opt-out of the English Language Proficiency Assessment.
Make-up tests: Make-up tests are intended for students who are unavoidably and unexpectedly absent on the regularly scheduled testing day(s). Make-up tests are not intended to accommodate students whose activities conflict with local testing dates or student/family preferences or instances where the parent withdraws a student during a test session. The student may not make-up the section during which the withdrawal occurred.
Testing: A variety of student assessments both formal and informal is used in the schools to satisfy state testing requirements, assess student progress toward mastery of skills, help determine program placement, help personalize instruction, help educators design instructional strategies, and assist in the development of the curriculum. Students participate in the state-testing program as prescribed by the Mississippi Department of Education and state. Mississippi law mandates that “basic skills test shall be completed by each student” and “in the event of excused or unexcused absences, make-up tests be given” [Mississippi Code Section 37-16-3(2)].
Components of the program include but not limited to the following:
Mississippi Academic Assessment Program (MAAP): The Mississippi Academic Assessment Program (MAAP) measures students’ knowledge, skills, and academic growth in grades 3-8. The program consists of three parts: Mississippi Curriculum Test in reading, language, and mathematics in grades 3-8; science in grades 5 and 8. (Mississippi Code § 37-177-19)
MS Subject Area Testing Program (STAP): Students must pass the end of course tests in Algebra I, Biology I and English II, and US History from 1877 for graduation. Each assessment evaluates student learning to ensure students develop the knowledge and skills they need to graduate from high school prepared for college or career. (Mississippi Code § 37-177-19) 12
3rd Grade Reading Summative Assessment: All third-grade students are required to take and pass the established State 3rd Grade Reading Summative Assessment. A student scoring at the lowest achievement level in reading on the established state assessment for 3rd grade will not be promoted to 4th grade unless the student meets the good cause exemptions for promotion. (Mississippi Code § 37-23-16; Mississippi Code § 37-177-5).
K-Readiness Assessment: The Renaissance Star Early Literacy assessment is given statewide as a Kindergarten Readiness Assessment in public pre-K and Kindergarten classrooms in the fall and spring of each year. The Kindergarten Readiness Assessment provides parents, teachers, and early childhood providers with a common understanding of what children know and are able to do upon entering school. The primary purpose of the Kindergarten Readiness Assessment is to improve the quality of classroom instruction and other services provided to students from birth to 3rd grade. (Mississippi Code § 37- 23-16; Mississippi Code § 37-177-5)
BRIGANCE Early Childhood Screen III: The BRIGANCE Early Childhood Screen III (3-5 years) is a collection of quick, highly accurate assessments and data gathering tools to use with children three through five years of age. All assessments in the Screen III have been nationally standardized, producing scores that are highly reliable, valid, and accurate. Assessment items in the age-specific screens are norm-referenced as well as criterion-referenced and cover a broad sampling of a child’s skills and behaviors. Key development areas include: Physical Development, Language Development, and Academic Skill/Cognitive Development (Literacy and Mathematics). Data is collected from public pre-K programs in the fall and spring semester of each year using the Brigance comprehensive early learning observational screener. (Mississippi Code § 37-23-16; Mississippi Code § 37-177-5)
MS Career Planning & Assessment System (MS-CPAS): The system assesses local program performance in producing students with workplace readiness skills and creates a meaningful measure of accountability of the level of instruction and resulting student performance in occupational program areas. The occupational-specific portion of the Mississippi Career Planning and Assessment System is known as MS-CPAS-3. It is a Career and Technical Education (CTE) assessment used to provide a fair means of establishing accountability for both the secondary and postsecondary CTE programs. Using a student-centered approach, a trained writing team of program area experts, work together to design an assessment. Their goal is to accurately evaluate each CTE program. In keeping with national guidelines and our commitment to continual improvement, items on the assessments will be tested for validity and reliability. Assessments are aligned with the CTE program’s curriculum and are revised on the same four-year cycle as the curriculum. (Rule 83.2 Career and Technical Education Ongoing Program Parameters).
Universal Screener/Measures of Academic Progress (NWEA MAP): MAP assessments are computerized assessments designed to provide educators with data that will improve instruction and student achievement. Assessments are available in reading, language, and Math. Universal screening assessments will be administered to all students at least three times during the year to provide an especially critical “first look” at individual students. (MS Board Policy Rule 41.1 paragraph 7).
ACT State Testing Program: The ACT college readiness assessment is a curriculum and standards-based educational and planning tool that assesses student’s academic readiness for college. The statewide test administration is possible thanks to the Mississippi Legislature, which during the 2014 Legislative Session provided for the cost of administering the test. Mississippi juniors are being tested in four subjects: English, reading, mathematics, and science. ACT scores shows whether students have gained the knowledge and skills they need to succeed in credit-bearing, first-year College courses at a postsecondary institution without the need for remediation. The ACT will be administered to all students classified as juniors (11th) during each school year.