The Richton School District has developed emergency operating plans to save lives during emergency situation. These plans include operating procedures to be used during natural or manmade disasters which have been approved by the Civil Defense Office in Jackson, MS.

If a severe weather alert is issued by the U.S. Weather Bureau, the local Civil Defense officials notify the schools.  Children will be retained at school until it has been deemed safe to dismiss them.

During threatening weather conditions students are assigned to those areas of the school building that have been identified as sheltered areas.  School will not be dismissed when tornado conditions exist due to the fact that the school buildings are probably the strongest buildings in the school district, and the vulnerability of school buses should make it impossible to run the buses.

The school requests that parents not pick up students from school during the height of a storm, due to the confusion caused when school personnel, who have other responsibilities, have to locate students.  If you should want to pick up your child, please do so prior to the threatened storm.  If you feel you must be with your child you may come to the school and stay with the child in the shelter.  If we have the children in the hall, under a warning, they will not be allowed to leave the school.

Should conditions dictate that school be dismissed or canceled prior to the opening of school, appropriate radio stations and WDAM television station will be notified.  Parents may also call 601-788-6581, or 601-788-6975 for additional information.  Students will not be allowed to use the telephone during severe weather alerts, except in cases of extreme emergency.  We request that parents make arrangements with their children concerning with whom or where they will go in the event that school dismisses early due to weather.  If dismissal is delayed until the weather subsides, students could possibly arrive at home later than usual.

Should you have questions concerning emergency operation plans for the school you may call 601-788-6581 for further information.

Also, remember that we are Richton School District and not Perry County Schools.